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Digitalisation concept for personalised assembly information at Volvo Cars
(2024) Puranjay, Mugar; Pravin Kumar, Ravichandran; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Stahre, Johan; Li, Dan
The onset of mass customization and personalization trends within automobile man ufacturing has led to an increase in assembly complexity. High variations within the final assembly stages demand a higher operator cognition in order to maintain quality and efficiency standards. To maintain production excellency, adequate in formation and support is required during production. With the rise of digitalization within the Industry 4.0 paradigm, providing personalized assembly information and assistive alerts digitally can potentially assist operators in their daily work and lower cognitive workloads. Thus, resulting in better quality and efficiency. This thesis investigates a digitalization concept for the presentation of personalized assembly information and the generation of assistive alerts via a digital worker infor mation system. By adopting a mixed method approach centred around operators, the study focuses on understanding how available assembly information and differ ent support functions can be digitalized to offer cognitive support. The outcome involved creating a conceptual representation of personalized assembly information for a worker information system from what is deemed important for a moving line scenario. The most optimal presentation for digital assembly information involves displaying variant-specific information for an operator working at a particular workstation. To support operators with quality, personalized assistive alerts based on their history of quality deviations displayed at the start of production (during operators’ login as offline alerts) and during running production (as online alerts), can potentially aid operators in being mindful of their mistakes and remind them towards working in a standardized manner. The generation of personalised information and alerts will depend on employing a suitable system architecture (like a microservice archi tecture) that enables real-time streaming of data based on events occurring on the assembly line. The implication of such a setup potentially opens new possibilities for digital operator support within complex production environments.
Utbredd psykologisk otrygghet hos sjöbefälsstudenter på praktiken
(2024) Kapicic, Nadia; Ternéus, Nils; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Magnusson, Johan; Forsman, Fredrik
Denna rapport har undersökt statusen på hur svenska sjökaptens och sjöingenjörsstudenter (sjöbefälsstudenter) upplever den psykologiska tryggheten under deras första fartygsförlagda praktikperiod. Den första praktikperioden är en tongivande del för sjöbefälsstudenternas framtida utbildning och syn på sjöfarten generellt, och därför är det viktigt att den är av god kvalitet. För att undersöka detta har en enkät skickats ut till sjöbefälsstudenter och aktiva sjöbefäl som genomfört sin första praktik tidigast 2015. Frågorna som ställts i enkäten är från en vetenskapligt framtagen metod för att mäta psykologisk trygghet. Detta har kompletterats med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer för att utveckla och exemplifiera hur studenter har upplevt den psykologiska tryggheten. Svaren på enkäten och intervjuerna har gett en tydlig bild av att det finns en utbredd psykologisk otrygghet hos studenters upplevelse av sin första fartygsförlagda praktik. Med flera exempel på sexism, rasism och andra oacceptabla företeelser som fortgår sedan en gemensam handlingsplan skrevs på av ledande aktörer inom sjöfartsbranschen för att förbättra kvalitén av den fartygsförlagda praktiken 2015.
Stabilitetsutredning och förstärkningsmetodik för en naturlig slänt
(2023) Alenius, Albin; Brkovic, Samir; Kjellberg, Niklas; Nilsson, Alfred; Zetterholm, Elias; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE); Karstunen, Minna; Karlsson, Mats
Göta älv är en flod vars geologiska förutsättningar gjort den till ett område med stor skredutsatthet och har under modern tid varit platsen för ett flertal skred. Detta kandidatarbete undersöker släntstabilitet och förstärkningsmetoder i sektion V18/910 som ligger längs Göta älv i Smådala, norra delen av Lilla Edets kommun. Ett område som i tidigare undersökningar ansetts vara ett område med stor och utbredd skredrisk. Med data från tidigare utförda undersökningar skapas en jordprofil som lägger grund för de odränerade och kombinerade analyser som görs för att beräkna släntstabilitet i sektionen. Släntstabiliteten presenteras utifrån känslighets- och sannolikhetsanalyser samt beräknade säkerhetsfaktorer. Detta för att vidare kunna tillämpa och utvärdera en förstärkningsmetod som uppnår ställda krav. Släntstabiliteten beräknades med datorprogrammet GeoStudio med verktyget SLOPE/W. Säkerhetsfaktorn för slänten visade sig vara för låg och en förstärkningsåtgärd modellerades där avschaktning och motfyllnad av slänten genomfördes.
Characterisation of recycled plastics for automotive radar applications at 77 GHz
(2024) Ameerudeen, Mohamed Azad; Nourjoo, Mohammad; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap (MC2); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2); Stake, Jan; Bevilacqua, Stella; Tell, Sara; Vakili, Iman
This work investigates the potential of various recycled plastic materials for use in bumper areas which are in closer proximity to automotive radar systems operating at 77 GHz. The study focuses on both experimental and analytical calculation approaches to assess the electromagnetic properties of these materials, specifically focusing on their complex permittivity and loss tangent characteristics at 77 GHz. For this purpose, a quasi-optical measurement setup which utilises metallic reflective mirrors to narrow and collimate the beam of waves produced by WR12 frequency extenders in the 65-90 GHz range is used. The S-parameters measured by the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) of the samples are utilised to calculate the complex refractive index. This procedure allows for the determination of the permittivity and loss tangent for each specific sample material. To ensure the robustness of the calculation method, the known permittivity and loss tangent values at 77 GHz from a reference non-recycled material provided by the supplier are utilised to calculate theoretical S-parameters, which are then employed in the same method to re-evaluate the permittivity and loss tangent. This process enables a direct comparison with the initial VNA-derived results. This round-trip verification process confirms the reliability of the calculation method used in the analysis. From the analysis of all test materials, a particular recycled plastic material is chosen, suggesting its potential suitability for use in automotive bumper production. Overall, this research offers significant insights into the development of radar-compatible recycled plastics for bumper design and manufacturing.
Probing electronic nematicity and anisotropic electron-phonon coupling in strained YBCO nanowires
(2024) Rongrueangkul, Karn; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap (MC2); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2); Lombardi, Floriana; Kalaboukhov, Alexei; Bauch, Thilo
Despite nearly 40 years since its discovery in 1986, the underlying mechanism behind the high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) in cuprates remains a significant enigma in condensed matter physics. The existence of multiple intertwined local orders, originating from the strongly correlated electrons, further complicates the study of these materials. Such complexity of the normal state is depicted in a very intricate temperature-doping phase diagram. A way to advance the knowledge of these materials is to tune the local orders, both in the superconducting and in the normal state, to disentangle them for individual study. One way to achieve such an effect is to apply strain to the cuprates in nm-thick films. Previously, it was discovered that the unidirectional strain, induced by few-unit-cell-thick films deposited on a nanostructured surface, can modify the charge order and cause the in-plane resistivity of the films to become much more anisotropic than in bulk materials. According to the Boltzmann transport model, such anisotropy in the in-plane resistivity is due to the directional modification of the Fermi velocity in which the velocity along one crystallographic in-plane direction is much higher than another. This results in an anisotropic Fermi surface that connects to the presence of an electronic nematicity, wherein the electronic structure retains translational symmetry while spontaneously breaking rotational symmetry. In earlier reports on the archetypal HTS YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) superconductor, the photoemission and transport measurements appear to show that electron-phonon coupling (EPC) can become directionally suppressed if the Fermi surface becomes nematic (as in our sample). This should strongly affect the heat transport in nm-thick YBCO films. Hence, the focus of this thesis work is to investigate the anisotropic EPC through the study of electrical and heat transport properties of YBCO nanowires oriented along different crystallographic axes. The nanowires are fabricated from YBCO thin films epitaxially grown by the Pulsed Laser Deposition technique, and the strain is tuned by modifying the film thickness.