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Hijacking the roofs of central Gothenburg; an exploration of alternative urbanism
(2023) Schwarztrauber, Fenja; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Tarraso, Joaquim; Vesterlund, Carl-Johan
This thesis started out with the ambition to shed light on the lack of affordable housing in city centers and explore the potential of urban leftover spaces in relation to that. As cities become denser, architects are more and more challenged to design in previously overlooked urban infill spaces, which often accommodate great potential. The aim of this thesis is to investigate adaptable alternative architecture and create a proposal for these infill spaces through that. The goal is to create an urban interruption that adds to the discussion of the current housing market, questions existing urban planning solutions and gentrification, and generates alternative urbanism based on the “right to the city” approach, by infiltrating cities and utilizing unused niches. The process began by investigating alternative architecture, including urban interruptions by artists Jakob Wirth and Santiago Cirugeda. Which lead to a design proposal showcasing an alternative urbanism in a gentrified area of central Gothenburg. This urban exploration tests alternative typologies, usages, and the adaptability of architecture while encouraging citizens to actively shape and build their environment. The spatial prototype is based on a flexible construction method that can hijack and spread over rooftops and infiltrate various leftover spaces in Gothenburg or other cities around the world. It offers space for people with a small budget to reside, provides opportunities for self-sufficient urban gardening, and creates communal spaces that strengthen local social sustainability, while challenging gentrification and questioning whom urban centers are designed for. The project is located in an urban leftover space on top of a closed city block in Gothenburg’s former harbor district, Långgatorna. A district that used to have a rather dodgy reputation but made a gradual transition into a popular bar area in Gothenburg. However, it continues to undergo gentrification, and the authentic pubs may soon be replaced by modern hotels and restaurants for a more affluent audience
Make it Queerer
(2023) Schreiber, Ester; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Adelfio, Marco; Brandao, Emilio
Spatial design is intrinsically and mutually influenced by our current ideologies, beliefs, and aspirations, manifesting themselves in walls, roofs, volumes, and voids. Consequently, at a glance, our spaces also reflect power: formal or informal institutions, governments, persuasive private actors, and economical flows. Monuments, public squares and avenues all hold the traces of this materially articulated dominance. However, as Michel Foucault states, “Where there is power, there is resistance”. How and where do we find traces of resistance in our existing spatial realms? Who is placed on the metaphorical outskirts of the city, left to adapt to the established built environment? And how does this very adaptation translate into resistance manifested in their own walls, roofs, volumes, and voids? With questions such as these in mind, this thesis turns to answers in the world and word of “queer”. A complex concept with a variety of disparate and contradictory definitions, the term “queer” resists being pinpointed in just a couple of sentences. In most definitions, however, “queer” and “queering” seek to understand loci of power structures, to deconstruct and destabilize them. In this thesis, the word is used to examine a semi-public space in Gothenburg, by abstracting a set of tools for analyzing and reimagining space with a queer perspective. The object of interrogation is the central shopping center of Nordstan, on which tools of queering extracted from literature and reference projects are tested. As a result, a visualization of the queer potentials of Nordstan is created. As such, the role of the architect in the research is also recognized as different from the traditional role of the ultimate and sole designer of space, into more of a generator of ideas, inspiration, and disruption
Exploring usage patterns and determinants of shared E-scooters using data-driven methods: A study of Gothenburg, Sweden
(2024) Lillieblad, Hannes; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Gil, Jorge; Gao, Kun
Understanding the usage patterns of shared e-scooter is crucial for decision-makers to implement effective policies and for e-scooter operators to optimize their services. This study aims to investigate the spatial and temporal usage patterns of e-scooters in Gothenburg, Sweden, and to analyze the impact of various factors, such as socio-economic and built environment factors, on e-scooter demand. Analysis of the data is done by employing data-driven methods and machine learning models, including hierarchical clustering, XGBoost, and random forest. The analysis consisted of two major parts: the usage pattern analysis, which primarily used e-scooter transaction data to analyze demand and trip patterns, and the influencing factors analysis, which analyzed several factors to determine their influence on e-scooter demand. The findings reveal distinct demand patterns across different areas and time slots in Gothenburg, with the highest average trip duration occurring during nighttime on weekends. The analysis considers 35 variables, categorized into temporal and spatial factors. Bus stops emerge as the most significant spatial determinant, followed by public buildings, commercial buildings, residential roads, other roads, and health POIs. Overall, built environment factors seem to impact e-scooter demand substantially more than socio-economic factors. Among the temporal determinants, it is the month that has the most significant influence, followed by minimum temperature, average precipitation, and weekday. A partial dependency analysis further explains the relationship between each determinant and e-scooter demand. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for e-scooter operators and policymakers to better understand and cater to the needs of e-scooter users in urban environments.
Digitalisation concept for personalised assembly information at Volvo Cars
(2024) Puranjay, Mugar; Pravin Kumar, Ravichandran; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Stahre, Johan; Li, Dan
The onset of mass customization and personalization trends within automobile man ufacturing has led to an increase in assembly complexity. High variations within the final assembly stages demand a higher operator cognition in order to maintain quality and efficiency standards. To maintain production excellency, adequate in formation and support is required during production. With the rise of digitalization within the Industry 4.0 paradigm, providing personalized assembly information and assistive alerts digitally can potentially assist operators in their daily work and lower cognitive workloads. Thus, resulting in better quality and efficiency. This thesis investigates a digitalization concept for the presentation of personalized assembly information and the generation of assistive alerts via a digital worker infor mation system. By adopting a mixed method approach centred around operators, the study focuses on understanding how available assembly information and differ ent support functions can be digitalized to offer cognitive support. The outcome involved creating a conceptual representation of personalized assembly information for a worker information system from what is deemed important for a moving line scenario. The most optimal presentation for digital assembly information involves displaying variant-specific information for an operator working at a particular workstation. To support operators with quality, personalized assistive alerts based on their history of quality deviations displayed at the start of production (during operators’ login as offline alerts) and during running production (as online alerts), can potentially aid operators in being mindful of their mistakes and remind them towards working in a standardized manner. The generation of personalised information and alerts will depend on employing a suitable system architecture (like a microservice archi tecture) that enables real-time streaming of data based on events occurring on the assembly line. The implication of such a setup potentially opens new possibilities for digital operator support within complex production environments.
Utbredd psykologisk otrygghet hos sjöbefälsstudenter på praktiken
(2024) Kapicic, Nadia; Ternéus, Nils; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Magnusson, Johan; Forsman, Fredrik
Denna rapport har undersökt statusen på hur svenska sjökaptens och sjöingenjörsstudenter (sjöbefälsstudenter) upplever den psykologiska tryggheten under deras första fartygsförlagda praktikperiod. Den första praktikperioden är en tongivande del för sjöbefälsstudenternas framtida utbildning och syn på sjöfarten generellt, och därför är det viktigt att den är av god kvalitet. För att undersöka detta har en enkät skickats ut till sjöbefälsstudenter och aktiva sjöbefäl som genomfört sin första praktik tidigast 2015. Frågorna som ställts i enkäten är från en vetenskapligt framtagen metod för att mäta psykologisk trygghet. Detta har kompletterats med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer för att utveckla och exemplifiera hur studenter har upplevt den psykologiska tryggheten. Svaren på enkäten och intervjuerna har gett en tydlig bild av att det finns en utbredd psykologisk otrygghet hos studenters upplevelse av sin första fartygsförlagda praktik. Med flera exempel på sexism, rasism och andra oacceptabla företeelser som fortgår sedan en gemensam handlingsplan skrevs på av ledande aktörer inom sjöfartsbranschen för att förbättra kvalitén av den fartygsförlagda praktiken 2015.